Capernaum, Golan Heights, Jordan
River, Kibbutz Ma'agan and Sea
of Galilee
Details from Laura:Started the day at
Capernaum, a village where Jesus
lived for a few years. Scott has
the better pics, since I wasn't
allowed in due to my
inappropriate dress ;). My knees
and shoulders were
exposed...Took pics where I
could and then wandered the
premises and had my own cool
tour! From there, we boarded
jeeps and four-wheeled around
the Golan Heights, and saw
abandoned Syrian bunkers, live
mine fields (eek!), and views of
the Hula Valley....FUN!!!!
Weren't done yet...A bunch of us
rafted down the 'massive'
(ok..not so massive) and
deep...(ok...perhaps not so
deep) Jordan River!! Lots of
work in the beginning, but lots
of fun! Finally ended up at our
next hotel, the Kibbutz Ma'agan,
on the Kinneret, Sea of Galilee.